The PDF rulebook version can be found at:
4.1 Official Entry
4.1.1 The inspected kart/kar and driver is considered the official entry for the entire event. Engine, chassis or driver change between Heat Race and Feature Race is permitted as set forth below and after giving notification to the Technical Director:
Change of engine after qualification – Receive approval from the Technical Director, turn over original engine to the Technical Director for potential future inspection and start the Feature Race from the rear of the field.
Change chassis after qualification – Original chassis must be disabled. Receive approval from the Technical Director, turn over original chassis to Technical Director for potential future inspection and start the Feature Race from the rear of the field.
Change driver – Receive approval from the Race Director and start Feature Race from the rear of the field. Note: Substitute drivers are not permitted. Any points accumulated are awarded to the actual driver of the kart/kar.
4.2 Corner Marshalls
4.2.1 Corner Marshals are in place to warn competitors should a dangerous situation develop on the track. Competitors shall respect and follow their instructions.
4.3 Fuel
4.3.1 Karts with 4 stroke methanol motors – Methanol only and shall be kept in a well-marked container. No additives allowed.
4.3.2 Karts with 4 stroke gasoline motors – 87 Octane ETHANOL FREE pump gasoline only, no additives, club reserves the right to declare a spec fuel at any time.
4.3.3 Karts with 2 stroke motors – Gas and oil premix only (no alcohol, nitro or performance additives)
4.3.4 Oils may be any brand but without any explosive additives.
4.3.5 Fuel and oil is subject to test for legality at any time. No additives allowed.
4.4 Number of Karts in Race
4.4.1 Classes may be combined at the discretion of the Race Director or Board of Directors.
4.5 Rookie Drivers
4.5.1 All rookie drivers must have a visible “X” of a contrasting bright color on the back of their helmet for the entire season.
4.5.2 All rookie drivers must start from the rear of the field for their first three heat races (excluding the Novice/Amateur classes).
4.5.3 Competitors are considered rookies if they do not have prior racing experience.
4.6 Grid Line Up
4.6.1 Classes are to line up on the grid in their starting order. Tire covers, warmers, kart buggies, refueling or working on karts is prohibited on the grid. No “air pigs” or similar air tanks allowed on the grid. Air may be let out of tires on the grid.
4.6.2 In the event of a scratched entry for a Heat or Feature Race the space shall be filled as follows:
If the karts are on the track then the karts shall move forward in line to fill the vacancy.
If the karts are on the grid, karts shall cross-over to fill the grid.
4.6.3 Competitors are to be lined up on the grid ready to race when signaled by the Grid Director. Upon receiving the “Go” signal all competitors will slowly proceed onto the racing surface in their respective position. The class shall receive at least one complete pace lap before the start of the race.
4.6.4 Pushing or lifting karts while the engine is running is prohibited. No spinning of tires on the grid. This includes Kid Kart classes. Violators will be moved to the rear of the field.
4.6.5 Any competitor failing to leave the grid with his/her respective class may align to his/her proper position if he/she is able to get out onto the track before the front two (2) karts pass the start/finish line on the first pace-lap when pace laps are given. If the competitor does not leave the grid with his/her class or is not realigned by the first pace-lap, they will be required to start in the rear of the field. The competition field will automatically move straight forward in line if any competitor is out of position by the first pace-lap.
4.6.6 The NKA 90 second grid rule applies.
4.7 Race Start
4.7.1 When signaled by the flagman, all classes will get one complete pace lap prior to the start of the race.
4.7.2 All karts must stay in line and maintain pace.
4.7.3 On the one to go signal from the flagman, karts are to line up double file.
4.7.4 Once the flagman has given the one-to-go signal, absolutely no tire scrubbing will be allowed.
4.7.5 The pole position kart/kar sets the pace.
4.7.6 Karts/kar shall not accelerate until the green flag is waved.
4.7.7 On the initial start, two cones may be placed on the track prior to the start finish line. The purpose of these cones is to generate clean race starts and all karts are required to pass through them. Passing prior to reaching these cones is not be tolerated and violators are sent to the rear of the field. The cone location is at the Race Director’s discretion and may change for each race. A competitor’s second violation is cause for receiving the black flag and removal from the track.
4.7.8 If there is a yellow flag before completion of 1 lap, the original start position is assumed for all karts. Drivers are urged to remember the kart/kar number lining up in front of them and reform the starting line as to avoid the necessity for a red flag.
4.7.9 A complete scored lap is considered a lap. This occurs when the entire field passes the start/finish line.
4.7.10 Single file starts may be used at any time at the Race Director’s discretion to include a failed first lap.
4.7.11 If there is a caution on the first lap, there will be one chance at a double-file restart. Should additional cautions occur during the second attempt, restarts will be single file.
4.8 Restart After One Lap Complete
4.8.1 Restart line up is in the order in which the karts were scored on the last completed green flag lap.
4.8.2 Restarts are under the control of the flagman. There will be no passing until the green flag is waved. Anyone observed with “sling-shotting” will be penalized during caution or at the end of the race.
4.9 Restarting Karts & Kart Repairs
4.9.1 Corner Marshals may restart karts if they are safely able to do so. Electric starters may be passed to the Corner Workers to start karts only during yellow flag conditions.
4.9.2 Working on a kart/kar during a red flag condition is prohibited.
4.10 Competitor Performance
4.10.1 Continual ill-handling or rough driving may result in removal from the track session.
4.10.2 Any kart/kar which leaves the race surface must return in a safe manner.
4.10.3 Any kart/kar leaving the race surface starts in the rear of the field if the caution is thrown. If no caution is thrown, the competitor will be black flagged if not fully in control of their kart while reentering the racing surface.
4.10.4 Any kart/kar that spins thus introducing a yellow flag condition automatically goes to the rear of the field upon restart.
4.10.5 Any kart/kar that contributes to a kart spinning thus introducing a yellow flag condition may also be sent to the rear of the field at the discretion of the Race Director.
4.10.6 Karts spinning while attempting to avoid a wreck are not penalized unless it is determined by the Race Director that the driver had ample opportunity to avoid the accident.
4.10.7 HRKC Three Spin Rule: Any kart bringing out the yellow flag (unassisted) for a third time may receive the meatball flag and asked to leave the racing surface at the discretion of the Race Director.
4.10.8 Attempts to intentionally bring out the yellow flag shall not be tolerated.
4.10.9 Any foul driving, unnecessary bumping, crowding, chopping, blocking, or unsportsmanlike conduct on the racing surface is prohibited. The offending driver may receive a BLACK FLAG at the Race Director’s discretion.
4.10.10 If the Black Flag is displayed and the wrong driver pulls off the racing surface, the race is stopped and that entry gets their position back.
4.10.11 It is expressly forbidden at any time during an event to move a vehicle in a direction opposite to that in which the event is being run without specific approval of a race official. Disregard of this rule is basis for immediate disqualification. Driving in the opposite direction in the grid area is prohibited.
4.10.12 Any kart/kar leaving the track through the Turn 2 entrance/exit after their class has taken the track for their scheduled event (Heat, Feature Races) may not rejoin the event in session. This includes leaving the track during yellow or red flag conditions. In the case of Pro-Wing Champ Karts: any kart leaving the track and entering the inside pit area via pit road may rejoin the event at the discretion of the tower. However, no kart/kar leaving the track and entering the outside pits may rejoin the event in session.
4.10.13 If, for any reason, a competitor is forced to stop his/her vehicle on or near the course during an event for any reason, it will be their first duty to place the vehicle in such a manner as not to obstruct other competitors. The vehicle shall be moved to the infield or pit area as soon as conditions permit. Karts forced to stop in the infield area shall not be moved to the pit area by crossing the track until the race is over. Drivers or pit crews shall not cross the track for any reason during an event unless told to do so by the Grid Marshall.
4.10.14 Competitors must cross the start/finish line under their own power or momentum. If pushed by another competitor, both competitors will be disqualified.
4.10.15 Any competitor who slows from racing speed must hold his arm vertically high enough to be seen visibly from behind as a warning to others. This requirement includes slowing to enter pit entrance during an event. No person shall approach a stalled vehicle under any circumstances unless under caution and until the remainder of the field has passed.
4.10.16 When two karts are entering a turn together the kart that is behind, whether it is an inch or several feet is required to negotiate the turn without endangering or impairing the progress of the vehicle in front. Conversely, the vehicle in front shall not take a deliberate course attempting to crowd a following competitor off the racing surface. The deliberate blocking of another vehicle is cause for forfeiture of results, removal from the on track session, and other penalties at the discretion of the Race Committee.
4.11 Kart Weigh-In
4.11.1 All drivers are required to have their karts weighed immediately after both Heat and Feature Races.
4.11.2 Entries found underweight after Feature races will be awarded last place points. This recorded finish is NON-DROPPABLE for end of season points calculations.
4.11.3 Entries underweight after the Feature Race that were also found underweight after Heat Races or Qualifying will be awarded zero (0) points, will be deemed a NON-DROPPABLE recorded finish, and be marked as an intentional infraction.
4.11.4 Entries found underweight after Feature races with obvious damage from on-track activity will be awarded last place points, however, this recorded finish will be recorded as a DROPPABLE finish for end of season points calculations
.4.11.5 Pro-Wing Champ Karts will also be required to pass wing placement checks as detailed in section 12.2.9
4.11.6 Wing placement infractions post-qualifying will result in the nullification of the qualifying time. Entries will be permitted to start the Feature Race from the rear of the field.
4.11.7 Wing placement infractions post-Feature will be awarded last place points, this recorded finish is NON-DROPPABLE for end of season points calculations.
4.11.8 For all classes, intentional violations of the rules will carry the penalty of zero (0) points awarded and be deemed NON-DROPPABLE.
4.11.9 Intentional violations will be determined on a case by case basis, with the entrant being informed by the technical director of such a finding.
4.11.10 Examples of intentional violations can include (but not limited to):
Being found underweight after the Feature Race that were also found underweight after Heat Races or Qualifying.
Having unsecured ballast on the kart or carried on the driver
Wings improperly mounted (movable)
4.11.11 Intentional violations can also be subjected to further penalty, at the discretion of the HRKC board.
4.11.12 HRKC reserves the right to require a weight check of any competitor prior to the beginning of the Feature Race. This applies particularly to those entries that failed to weigh or weighed light following the Heat Race. Two attempts to meet weight standards are allowed. Karts and driver may not leave the tech area until weight check is completed.
4.11.13 The scales in Tech and Scales area are the official means of measuring karts and drivers at a race event. The Tech scales are available for weighing of karts after the race day practice session should any competitor choose to weigh their entry as to ensure they meet class requirements.
4.12 Engine Tech/Post Race Inspection
4.12.1 Any person not willing to submit his/her equipment for inspection or is found illegal, will forfeit results from the event and will be subject to further HRKC Board of Directors action. The Technical Director reserves the right for random inspection. No loose weights or other objects that might enhance competitiveness are permitted. Under the provisions of this paragraph, the Technical Director or Technical Inspector determines the extent of tear down and inspection. The Tech Area shall be roped off and only two team members per kart/kar are allowed in the area. The decision of the Technical Inspector is final. Drivers unable to have their karts weighed must place their equipment in an impound area designated by the Tech Director.
4.12.2 NKA Engine rules apply. See HRKC Section 10 for all class listings and requirements. All racers are encouraged to obtain a NKA Tech Manual and to learn the rules. A manual may be obtained from any of the Track Vendors or directly from NKA or a local kart shop. Any local rules or deviations from the NKA rules are listed below:
Use of billet rod is allowed in Stock Animal classes. Arc P/N 6250 and 6251 and Williams P/N 2870 and 2875 are approved.
All rods used in Stock Classes must remain unaltered.
Any size Burris piston is an acceptable replacement for Briggs pistons. Maximum cylinder bore is 0.055 over stock bore.
All B&S Flathead engines will use a stock cast iron flywheel weighting a minimum of 6 pound
4 ounces.
4.12.3 Determination of items checked during Technical Inspection for each class is at the complete discretion of the Technical Director.
4.12.4 At the completion of the Feature Race a minimum of the top three karts shall proceed immediately to the impound area. Additional karts may be checked during Technical Inspection at the Technical Director’s discretion. Competitors unsure of their finishing position shall remain in the scale area until race results are confirmed. It is the responsibility of the driver or guardian to ensure competitors go directly to impound area. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of the recorded finishing position.
4.12.5 Karts shall not be removed from the impound area until a Technical Official gives permission.
4.12.6 If a driver is racing in more than one class they shall notify the Tech Official. The Tech Official will give instructions for releasing the kart/kar from the tech area.
4.12.7 Fuel and Oil tests may be conducted at any time during the race program.
4.12.8 All Restrictor Plates, regardless of the place of finish, are subject to be checked at the discretion of the Tech Official.
4.12.9 If a motor or any internal motor part or carburetor is changed between a Heat Race and Feature Race, the Technical Director shall be notified. If a motor or chassis is changed, the equipment shall be held in impound until the race and technical inspections are completed and starting position shall be at the rear of the field.
4.12.10 Refusal to submit to post-race technical inspection shall be considered an admission of non-compliance with specifications by the competitor, subjecting them to forfeiture of that event with potential for additional penalties at the discretion of Club Officials. The event MAY NOT be used as a dropped race.
4.12.11 If an engine is found out of spec due to blatantly illegal parts, those parts shall be forfeited to the Club, and penalties are as follows and shall be imposed at the discretion of the Race Committee:
First offense $50 up to $150, zero points, non-droppable
Second offense $150 up to $300, zero points, non-droppable
Third offense $300 and up, zero points, suspended rest of season
All fines shall be paid before returning to competition.
4.12.12 The NKA Spirit and Intent Rule is factored into all Tech decisions.
4.13 Kart/Kar Numbers
4.13.1 Numbers must be on the sides, front and back of the kart/kar. Numbers shall be visible and legible to all track officials. The kart/kar numbers and background shall be contrasting colors and approved by Scoring Officials.
4.13.2 Kart numbers shall be a minimum of 6 inches in height. All karts shall display a number panel on the rear of the kart. In the case of 2-cycle and other classes where the muffler extends along the rear bumper of the kart, these numbers may be displayed on the rear of the seat.