Section 1 – General Track Rules

The PDF rulebook version can be found at:

1.1 Tire Rules

1.1.1 HRKC utilizes an open tire rule except as noted below:
1.1.2 Kid Karts: See HRKC Section 11
1.1.3 Cadet Class: See HRKC Section 10.27
1.1.4 HRKC Pro Wing Champ Series: See HRKC Section 12

1.2 Pit Passes

1.2.1 Anyone entering the pits at an HRKC event must sign a “Release and Waiver of Liability Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement” prior to entering the pit area before each event day.

1.2.2 Minor Participants (17 and under) must have a Minor’s Release form completed and signed by one parent or guardian prior to entering the pit area upon their first visit to the track. This form is filled out once and remains on file with HRKC for the entire racing season.

1.2.3 Everyone entering the pit or grid area must have an event band on their wrist.

1.2.4 Anyone who does not comply and enters the pits without paying for a pit pass must leave the area immediately. Anyone caught a second time in the pits without a pit pass may be banned from future HRKC events at the Board of Director’s discretion.

1.3 Track Insurance

1.3.1 HRKC participates in the AKTPA Insurance Program. To be covered by this insurance competitors and crew must sign the Release of Waiver form and pay for a pit pass. The AKTPA Insurance Program provides HRKC with the following coverage:

 Participant Accident: Excess medical and ambulance benefits for drivers and non-drivers who have authorized access to the restricted race area.
 Participant accident coverage includes:
 Excess Medical benefit $50,000
 Accidental Death and Dismemberment $10,000
 All medical and ambulance charges must be filed with primary insurance first.
 Payments made by primary insurance satisfy deductible.
 If there is no primary insurance a $500.00 deductible applies.
 Spectators in the stands area are covered under the General Liability clause of the policy.
 If you require any additional information on HRKC’s insurance, please contact any Club

1.3.2 Injury reports and medical forms shall be filed on the date of the incident with HRKC Officials. Failure to do so may result in denial of claim by the Insurance Company.

1.4 Safety Equipment

1.4.1 A licensed EMT shall be on hand during every event.

1.4.2 Fire Extinguishers in good working order are mandatory in every pit. Ensure that they are visible and easily accessible, not only for yourself, but for others not familiar with your pit. Fire extinguishers should be suitable for class A, B and C type fires and are subject to pre-race safety inspection.

1.4.3 Fuel and other flammable materials shall be kept in an appropriate well marked container.

1.4.4 Head Gear – Full coverage (full face) helmets designed for use in competitive motor sports are mandatory. Helmets must comply with one of the following:

Snell Foundation SpecificationsSFI Specifications
2015 or 2020 Helmets with SA, SAH or M ratings24.1 Youth, 41.1
K2015, K202024.1
CMS/CMR2007, CMS/CMR201641.1

Helmet must be in good condition and is subject to pre-race safety inspection. It is recommended that the participant label or letter rear area of helmet with blood type and any special medical information such as specific drug allergies.

1.4.5 Eye Protection – Eye protection is required and accomplished by employing a full-face shield integral with the helmet. Tinted visors are allowed.

1.4.6 Neck Brace – Collar-type, unaltered neck braces designed for karting use are mandatory in all classes except for Champ Kart classes. Losing a neck brace on the track is cause for immediate removal of the competitor from the track racing surface.

1.4.7 Chest protectors – Must meet SFI specification 20.1 and are mandatory for all drivers in classes where the age is 12 or lower. Junior Champ kart drivers in these age categories are exempt. However, HRKC recommends all competitors wear a rib/chest protector. Motorcycle type or plastic chest protectors are not acceptable and chest protectors are subject to pre-race safety inspection.

1.4.8 Driver Apparel – Flat Kart drivers are required to wear jackets of leather, vinyl, abrasion resistant nylon or equivalent, and full-length pants to prevent or minimize abrasions. Shoes, full-length socks, and full coverage gloves are mandatory. Apparel items such as bandanas, sweater hoods, sweat pants, loose belts, loose jewelry, etc., which can entangle in a kart, are not permitted.

1.4.9 Champ Kart Drivers – All safety equipment shall meet current SFI certification requirements to include, head & neck restraint, gloves, shoes, arm restraints and a 5-point harness. Driver’s Suit must be SFI 3.2A1 rated or better. This is a fire resistant one or two piece suit. The SFI approved mandatory head & neck restraint shall be in good working condition and within current certification test dates and is subject to pre-race safety inspection. Cages must meet WKA Specifications, subject to Technical Director approval. A sprint car window net is mandatory attached from the left rear roll cage down bar to the left front roll cage down bar.  See HRKC Section 12 for additional information concerning HRKC Pro Wing Champ division.

1.4.10 Hair – If hair extends appreciably from beneath the competitor’s helmet level, it is mandatory that participant wears a “balaclava” or head-sock to keep hair from extending outside of the helmet.

1.4.11 Cameras shall not be affixed to the helmet in anyway. Officials are to immediately black flag and remove from the course any driver that enters a session, official or otherwise, with a camera mounted in any way to a helmet.

1.4.12 Weight – Ballast weight such as weight belts, ankle weights, etc. are prohibited from being added to the driver or driving apparel.

1.4.13 Electronic communications between the driver and other parties is prohibited at all HRKC events. This rule precludes mandatory RACEceiver communications between HRKC Wing Champ Series drivers and the tower. (See rule 12.4.4). A driver carrying a cell phone, in use or not, may be found in violation of this rule.

1.5 Pit Area

1.5.1 Karts/Kars are prohibited from being driven in the pits – No exceptions!

1.5.2 Open fire or flames are not allowed in the Pit Area, especially inside enclosed trailers. Small propane/MAPP torches used for heating tires are the only acceptable exception to this rule.

1.5.3 Oil Disposal is the responsibility of each competitor. The track has facilities for waste oil on the southeast side of the pit area. Empty oil containers shall be disposed of in the trash. The intentional dumping of oil on the ground or in a trash barrel is a serious infraction of both the law and track rules and is grounds for suspension.

1.5.4 Trash – Each competitor is responsible for disposing of all trash generated on race day in the track provided containers, and centralized in the designated area. Police your pit area is required prior to leaving the event.

1.5.5 Disposal of tires at the track is prohibited.

1.5.6 Bikes, skateboards, or ball playing is prohibited in the pit area.

1.5.7 Pets are prohibited in the pit area.

1.5.8 Automobile or towed vehicle speed limit in the pit area is 5 mph for safety of all participants.

1.5.9 Personal golf karts, ATVs, 4-wheelers, etc. are prohibited in the pit area unless approval has been granted by Langley Speedway.

1.6 Conduct and Appearance

1.6.1 Participants (to include drivers, family, crew and all others in the pit area) shall conduct themselves in an orderly manner. Physical violence, verbal abuse, or threats to any individual, race official, participant, spectator, etc. is prohibited and will result in immediate nullification of driver results, ejection from the event, and/or suspension from future events.

1.6.2 Drivers are held directly responsible for the actions of their entire crew, team, and teammates.

1.6.3 Persons competing in any event shall make it his/her duty to present a neat appearance. Shoes and shirts are required in the pits and grid area. Offensive clothing is prohibited.

1.6.4 Violators of Conduct and Appearance rules are subject to suspension or permanent expulsion.

1.7 Prohibited Substances

1.7.1 Participants, crew members and spectators at the event shall not be under the influence of any substance that may impair their ability to participate in a safe and orderly manner. Intoxicating beverages shall not be consumed in areas of the track or pit area. Any driver, owner or pit crew violating this rule shall result in non-droppable nullification of all team kart’s results and loss of all points for the entire race day. Persons who have consumed any alcoholic beverage or non- prescription, mind impairing drug on the day of the event are not permitted to complete.

1.8 Decisions

1.8.1 Decisions concerning score-keeping, suspension, penalization and interpretation of rules by Race Officials are final. Protest procedures shall be followed as outlined in HRKC Section #5. Notify a kart Representative (who will notify the Race Director) and follow his/her instructions. However, protests regarding race procedure shall not be discussed while the race program is in progress. Anyone not adhering to this rule will be penalized which may include but not be limited to ejection, suspension, or forfeiture of points.

1.9 Intent to Defraud

1.9.1 Any competitor who attempts to falsify his/her age, modify his/her equipment with the intent to compete illegally in a respective class or intends to defraud Club Officials or another competitor by such modifications or actions is subject to suspension and loss of points and/or awards. Final disciplinary actions are at the discretion of the Board of Directors.

1.10 Age Determination

1.10.1 The competition year runs from January 1st to December 31st. The minimum age for practice and competition is determined by the age of the competitor as of January 1 of the ensuing competition season. However, in the case of 5-year-olds, the driver must obtain the actual age of 5 years prior to competing. The end of season Turkey Race may be used to run in the next higher age group in anticipation of the following season. If during the season the competitor turns old enough, they may move up to the next class with Board of Directors approval. Once the competitor has advanced to an older class, he/she may not revert to the younger class without approval from the Board of Directors.

1.10.2 A driver moving out of the Novice/Amateur classes (7-14-year-old) and into the competition class for their respective age, they must obtain approval from the Board of Directors. This is to ensure that the participant’s birth certificate is reviewed and they are placed in the correct class based on their age. Note, that drivers 12-14 who transition from Amateur classes to a Jr3 class may require engine or gearing changes. Refer to HRKC Section 10 Class Listings and Requirements for details.